January 10, 2008

Newyear's resolutions

So, I have been thinking for ages that I want to do more with photography. Have looked at a couple of courses, but the timing isn't quite right. And even though I carry my camera with me almost every day, I still don't use it.

Instead, and inspired by Ianqui, on January 1 I finally decided I'd set up a 365-photoblog. 365 photographs for 365 days (or well, 366 in 2008 I think). I was very excited about the whole idea that first day - it would give me an opportunity to try new things with my camera, not just only take holiday shots as I do currently, and it would be a project - which sounds kinda cool.

Wisely enough, I didn't announce it right then and there on here. And, that turned out to be the right thing: I've failed the project already. And this isn't even the only resolution I've failed at and it's only the 10th! Gah. Cannot believe myself.

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