June 04, 2005


I'm not incredibly good with computers.

Well, I suppose I'm not doing that badly considering that I'm working on a Japanese OS (why oh why did I think it was smart to use that!?) and can still handle most things.
But anyway, new digital stuff tends to freak me out. A case in point is the SD/miniSD Card Reader that I bought for my phone some time ago. Actually, almost 3 months ago! The idea was that this would enable me to upload my pictures from my phone onto my computer (and onto here) without buying a digital camera which I would love to have but still can't quite afford! :'( So, that was 3 months ago. Obviously I'm good at putting stuff off, like actually figuring this Card Reader-thingy out .
Tonight, while still recovering from a very fun Friday night, I finally pulled out the (Japanese) manual and tried to discover how to go about using it .... 10 minutes later I was done.

To celebrate, a couple of pics from the last few months! Enjoy :)

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