December 12, 2006

Revelation of the day (week? month?)

Despite my rants on jobhunting and failing applications, I discoved yesterday that I haven't sent out nearly as many applications over the past year or so as I thought I had.


And what's more: I've actually gotten a better rate of interviews out of them than I thought (as in, my rate of success in obtaining an interview is actually not so bad).


I don't really know what to think about this, but it pretty much shook my world last night.


Anonymous said...

thats good to hear.

why dont you move over here to london? its good money and there are a lot of jobs and interesting people!

machiruda said...

Ha, London! Sounds great, I'd love to - just get me a cool job and I'll jump on a next plane.

But I think you need to start writing a bit about it on your blog to convince me completely... ;-)