June 02, 2005

Sino-Nippon conflict continues...

From Gen Kanai's weblog I tracked down the following article on cyberwar between Japan and China.

As some of you might know, I find the East Asian region incredibly interesting because of all these states trying to claim their place in the system. For an idea of what I've done, check the thesis in the link listings.
In any case, the above link is pretty interesting as it goes into a new kind of trouble between China and Japan. It seems that quite a few Japanese sites have been hacked by Chinese groups lately. Interesting to read how this animosity is expressed in different ways.

My current research on the region is on its way smoothly. I'm still discovering new things daily though about what China and Japan are up to to get their oil and gas.
An example: there seems to be a vague - pretty unrealistic, if you ask me - plan out there to construct a canal through Thailand to take pressure off the Strait of Malacca. Apparently this was a Chinese project from some time back, and I've now heard rumours about Japanese plans for this... This seems quite absurd though. If it will happen, it is another sign of almost despair on the part of these countries to get their hands on natural resources.
Other issues that come up a lot recently are the East China Sea exploration/development battle and the pipeline from Angarsk to Daqing, no to Nakhodka, no maybe back again to Daqing issue. There should be a bit of progress on the latter issue soon it seems, so I'm very curious what will happen. Russia doesn't seem to be too reliable lately...

Okay, a quick note on other stuff than my weekends. Bye!


thephoenixnyc said...

My business is in China and I spend a great deal of time there. Any help I can be to your research would be my pleasure.

machiruda said...

Thanks for the offer! I'm just about done wrapping up my research though, but I might take you up on it for a future project. :)

Gen Kanai said...

Thanks for the link :)

If you're doing research on energy in Asia the folks on the NBR mailing list are a great place to float ideas. Energy and security are intertwined in Asia (as in most places) so you cant look at one without the other.

Gen Kanai

machiruda said...

No problem :)

Yep, the NBR postings have actually been a very good source of information. While writing this I'm trying to concentrate on writing my conclusion; which is not working... :s