Wow, it's been ages since I've posted anything substantial here! So, a quick rundown of the past few weeks:
> I quit the 365-project. Too much hassle of always having to think 'I need to take a picture!' while I wanted to just enjoy whatever it was that I was doing at that time
without taking pictures.
> Work is really busy, but really good as well. It almost feels as if I'm (almost) playing with The Important People. Very fun.
> Two more sleeps and I'm on my way to China! Harbin, Dalian, Beijing. Very hectic and full work schedule but I'm so so excited.
> Am back to (internet) dating - why do I always get the weird guys? Gah.
> Every January's highlight: the International Film Festival in Rotterdam. Saw some very weird (Lazarus 1-2-0; A Climate for a Crime) things, some interesting things (Jerichow; Er Dong) and some really good things (12 Lotus - fantastic!; Left Handed).
> Am househunting! Very scary. Eek.
> Am also finding new friends. Very fun :-D
Will be posting some travel stories hopefully in two weeks' time. Will definitely be posting travel pictures in two weeks' time. Stay tuned.